Tuesday, 19 January 2010

About this blog

I am a soon to be resident of Abu Dis, a small town on the outskirts of East Jerusalem, in occupied Palestine.
I will be teaching english in Abu Dis, and hope to provide some practical help to the people there, and to find out how the occupation effects their everyday lives.
I hope to update this blog regularly with words and pictures, covering different aspects of life in Abu Dis. I hope you find it interesting.

1 comment:

  1. I'll be following your blog with interest, Jon. I also plan to be in Palestine at the end of April for a conference that is being planned at Bir Zeit University. When I know more details I'll let you know, in case you're able to attend. I've been on two trips before,courtesy the British Council, and Macmillan publishers, whose "English for Palestine" is widely used in schools across the region. I'd be interested to know if you're using it, in what sort of school, and with what sort of results. Good luck, and keep blogging!
